Practice Test

Driving School Experts
Practice Test

You’ve dreamed about getting behind the wheel! Your big moment has arrived and
now it’s time to start practicing!

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Click on the Start Test button below to start your test.


Read and Answer Questions 1-20. Each question has 4 multiple choice answers of which only one is correct.


At the end of the test, click on the Submit Test button at the bottom of the page.


Enter in the requested details and click Submit.


Your score will be displayed on the following page and sent to a DSE instructor. Feel free to share your results with your friends and challenge them to test their driving expertise as well.

Every person with a driver’s license, from a regular commuter to a race car driver, started exactly where you are right now; worried about passing their permit test. In the past, the only thing you could do was visit a local DMV, pick up the study manual and go over each page until you felt like you had the information memorized. Now, with the Internet at your fingertips, there’s a better way to prepare. Driving School Experts gives you the chance to practice in the best way possible: with realistic practice tests, filled with accurate questions, based on the permit manual from the New Jersey Department of Motor Vehicles!

If you are looking to get your learner’s permit for a driver’s license you must pass the written test. In fact, even if you have already obtained your permit. You can never get over prepare. We’re committed to making driving safer for new drivers, and that starts with helping you acquire the knowledge you need to pass your permit test and learn the rules of the road.

With our commitment to helping new drivers learn about safety and providing the very best practice test, it’s no surprise that a greater number of our students pass their permit and driving test, the first time around. Spend the next few moments, testing your knowledge of driving. Good luck!

Note: You’re welcome to take the test multiple times at your leisure. Have Fun! Good luck!